Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Still Life

Describe: This photograph is a still life. I used a black mask with a feather, one flower lying down and the other standing up to create height. The background is plain with a grey tone and some shadows. most of the objects are close up. The two flowers are in focus while the mask is not. This photo is abstract because I arranged object around to create a still life.

Analyze: The objects are placed in a way that it balances the main concept out. The mask is in the foreground while the two flowers are in the background. One flower is placed up-right to create height, and the other flower is placed sideways. The flowers give off a very edgy shape because of all the leaves and petals, while the mask is pretty much one rectangle. Some of the photo is in focus and some is not.

Interpret: This photo was taken indoors. I think that is why it's on the darker side, because there is no natural light. We used a strobe light. I went with a theme of a mask and flower because it reminds my of a school dance I went to. It kinda gives a felling of mystery because people hide behind their masks.

Judge: I feel my work was successful in a way that I got the meaning clear and across. Even though the flowers look good in focus, I might of liked it better if the mask was in focus because it's in the forground. Also, I think I needed more white spots instead of all dark.

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