Monday, March 14, 2011

Window Portrait

Describe: This photo is a portrait of myself, so I am the subject matter. The foreground is of myself and the background, which you can't see very much, is of my room. This work is figurative.

Analyze: There's the use of shape in my face. There's a pretty equal amount of visual tones of whites (in my face) and blacks (in my hair) in this also. The photo was taken in focus intentionally.

Interpret: The purpose of this photo was to use the natural window light from outside, while the portrait is taken of a person inside. The sunlight helps to bring out a natural looking portrait. It also brings out the lights and darks. I'd say this image is in between light and dark.

Judge: I feel my photo was a successful portrait of myself. It really shows the different tones of whites and darks using the natural light. The mood is very fun and happy, with the smiling. If I had to change anything, I'd probably just show more of the background.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Outside Portrait

 Describe: This photo is a portrait of Armin, so the subject matter is the person. She is in the foreground, and she's standing behind two metal bars. The background is a big fence. The work is figurative because I used a person in it.

Analyze: There is definitely line in this photo. She is behind two bars to give the photo more effect. The tones are mostly light grey except for her dark hair and shirt. The image is in focus and this was done intentionally.

Interpret: This image was taken to see the difference between natural light (outside) and un-nateral light (inside). The image is more light and was taken outdoors.

Judge: I feel my portrait was successful in the sense of the person I used, and expression she's giving. I makes the audiance want to find out more about the photo. The only think I would change would be to have more darks then lightness.

Still Life

Describe: This photograph is a still life. I used a black mask with a feather, one flower lying down and the other standing up to create height. The background is plain with a grey tone and some shadows. most of the objects are close up. The two flowers are in focus while the mask is not. This photo is abstract because I arranged object around to create a still life.

Analyze: The objects are placed in a way that it balances the main concept out. The mask is in the foreground while the two flowers are in the background. One flower is placed up-right to create height, and the other flower is placed sideways. The flowers give off a very edgy shape because of all the leaves and petals, while the mask is pretty much one rectangle. Some of the photo is in focus and some is not.

Interpret: This photo was taken indoors. I think that is why it's on the darker side, because there is no natural light. We used a strobe light. I went with a theme of a mask and flower because it reminds my of a school dance I went to. It kinda gives a felling of mystery because people hide behind their masks.

Judge: I feel my work was successful in a way that I got the meaning clear and across. Even though the flowers look good in focus, I might of liked it better if the mask was in focus because it's in the forground. Also, I think I needed more white spots instead of all dark.