Friday, October 15, 2010

Blurry Motion

Describe: This photo is taken of Laura while she is running. In the background are a few trees and some buildings. This work is figurative because it captures an actual person.

Analyze: The composition of this photo contains line and and texture in the background. The tones are mostly grey-ish, it probably needs more contrast. The main focus is blurry and this was done intentionally. The background is more in focus then the person, but still a little blurry too. 

Interpret: The main point of this piece was to capture a burry object in the image. It was taken outdoors on a cloudy day.  The image turned out darker because of the lack of lighting outside. To create more contrast, there needed to be more light or sun.

Judge: I think the work was successful in capturing a blur object. But I also think it could have been more centered, not cutting off any parts of the person, and have a less blurry background. Then again, it is hard enough to capture a moving object at the exact right time. 

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