Thursday, January 6, 2011

Photo book of me

Describe: This is a book made in photography about me and my personality. The pictures of me are close-ups but the pictures are also small. This work is abstract because I pieced magazine pictures together like a collage. 

Analyze: I used many of shapes like stars, circles, squares and rectangles for the cut-outs from the magazine. The colors and tones I used are mostly blue and green, shades and tints. All of my little images are in-focus and this was done intentionally. 

Interpret: In this book, the point I was getting across is that I made this book about me in photography class. I also like art and that's my major. I like piecing this together my own way and making it look presentable in a different kinda way. The images are mostly light. I did use other scraps of developed photos to add more of a neat effect. The photos of me were all taken outdoors. 

Judge: I feel that my photo book was successful. I made it my own and created it how I like. I included my favorite colors and used many photos of myself, which I think, made it seem more personable. On the other hand, I probably could have made it more my own by drawing or painting something in it, because I love doing that. 

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