Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blurry Leaves

Describe: A bush of leaves and berries in the foreground (close to). The background is of a wall (further away). This photo is abstract because it emphasizes lines and value.

Analyze: The shapes and tones in the foreground are mostly rounded and curvy. There's dark shades of shadows but also light shades where the sun is reflected off of the leaves. The background of a wall is very simple and has a texture of a prickly feeling. The foreground is out of focus and the background is in focus. This was defiantly done accidentally.

Interpret: The photo is very balanced in contrast between dark and light. This photo was taken outside in the sun.

Judge: I feel like my photo was successful because there is a very strong difference between the two main focuses (foreground and background). I could have just had the leaves in focus instead of the wall, but it seems more interesting to me this way.